Friday, September 4, 2009

BEING GOOD........!!

My friend Thousif raza has recently written a blog on Good guys always finish last HERE

It has just reminded me a small short story which my mom used to tell me from when I was a kid. I would like to share that small story with all my readers.

There was once a Rushi doing tapasya in a forest. One fine day in the morning when he went to the nearby pond to have his bath along with his sishya ,he found a scorpion fluttering in the water to survive getting drowned .He felt pity on the poor scorpion and thought of helping it and took a leaf nearby and slowly placed it beneath the scorpion and tried lifting it to safety, once the scorpion reached onto the leaf it tried to bite the hand of the Rushi ,so the Rushi in the process of saving himself left the leaf and the scorpion fell back into the water. The rushi hasn’t given up and again tried the same and when he has lifted the scorpion above the water it again tried to bite his hand and same happened as earlier it again fell back into the water. So the sishya who was with him asked him to abort his saviour act and leave the scorpion to its plight.

But the rushi didn’t heed to his sishya and continued helping the scorpion . After a few more trials somehow the rushi managed to pull the scorpion to safety. The sishya was confused on why the rushi was so stubborn in helping the scorpion and asked the same to him.

For this the rushi started saying like this : “Sishya , scorpion is natured to bite when something comes close to it ,God made it like that and it is doing justification to its nature. It doesn’t have the brain or knowledge to understand what is good and what is bad for it. I am a rushi doing tapasya and I am sure on what is right and what is wrong ,and I always want to do good and be good…..when a animal like it is so stubborn on sticking to its quality, why should I change my quality of being Good for it ? Never change your character of being good for someone elses sake or due to circumstances as being good and doing good is divine.”

This has always been an inspiring story to me and whenever I feel angry on someone who has done bad to me or getting carried away due to circumstances I remember this story.

Coming back to Thousif’s point on being ignored or neglected or not getting the same preference from someone when you are so good and true towards them, remember one thing ……….we are giving care ,if they neglect us and in the process loose us,its always their loss and not ours ,also we are not getting any care in return nor expecting it so we will never be on the loosing end… chill dearJ


Prasanna said...

Very nice story chaitu!!!But do u remember the sanskrit slokas we read "scorpion has poison in it's tail,snake in it's tounge,...etc but a man has poison throughout his body".
In the case of scorpion rushi's philosophy was appropriate."Scorpion can't think"

"Man Can,therfore he is dangerous"

alwayz beware of people who try to take advantage of your innocence and good nature.

SRAVS said...

Nice story chaitu ,now i know its all in the way you are brought up i am adoring your mom like anything for teaching you all good things from the childhood.she is a great lady.

Vikram said...

Does that also mean that Mr J should continue to love that girl even without any response.

chaitanya said...

thanx a lot savvi,nice to see u in my blog,atlast something i wrote which made u comment :)

No one can take advantage of me re,i am good to people whom i want to be,if not i am the worst,lolz ,people who hate me know that better !!

chaitanya said...

thanx sravs for such a nice comment,i must say this is one of the best comments and compliments i ever received ,my mom really rocks !!

chaitanya said...

@ vikram : looks like the Mr J story has inspired you a lot.......i will introduce you to Mr J today,you ask him directly on what his plans are :)

Thousif Raza said...

i will chill deary :), i just wanted to show, dont lose whats precious to you, that was my point actually

but nice way that you showed me yaar.....

take care and keep writing.............

chaitanya said...

@ thousif : thanx buddy