You might be thinking whats this all of a 5 th JUNE is observed as the world Environmental Day and i felt its maa duty to put something which if atleast a few people realise and follow it would do good to the process of saving our mother EARTH. We ,saying we i refer to the present generation must feel so happy that we have seen a bit of natural events like rains and sun and snow etc etc the greatest wonders that GOD gave us,but we should also feel bad that our coming generations might not be as lucky as we are as the whole Ecological balance is under threat. It has come to such a stage that unless we take care of the ENVIRONMENT today we might just be doing no good to our coming generations, Its not what technology we are going to create for our generations,its not what economy that we create for our generations but its what sort of natural Environment we can provide for our coming generations is that matters.
So on this environmental day lets discuss what few things we can do to save mother EARTH :
1) Replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.
2) Reduce waste by reuse and recycle.
4) DRIVE SMART : make sure your car is running efficiently,Every gallon of fuel you save not only helps your budget, it also keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
5) Use the "OFF" switch
6) Atlease everyone Plant one Tree.
7) Buy organic foods as much as possible
8) Unplug Un-Used Electronics
9) Ditch the Plastic
10) The most important : SAVE WATER
These are just a few things which we can implement in order to give our coming generations a safer and better place to live at i.e our mother EARTH.
1 comment:
when u became so ECO friendly my dear ?
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