Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stay forever in my heart......!!

Excellent are the days when we are together
and enjoy our small get-together...
Togetherness is what matters...

otherwise the relationship shatters..
But togetherness is not physical..

it is more pertaining to the mind...
The heart speaks and not the body ...
and thats what binds everybody..
Let us accept this reality...

and retain our love and relationship fertility...
Let us enjoy and never part...
stay forever in my heart.......stay forever in my heart.......!!


swathi's said...

togetherness is mental?????? heheh....

chaitanya said...

yup thanx modified it !!

Swati said...

glad that you have realized that you were in my domain..! anyways, thank you..!!

SRAVS said...

baagundi raa nice one